A membership for INTENTIONAL women ready to aCTualize their EXPRESSION & artistry




You wherE made for such a time as this and your voice  is needed

At this potent moment in history, as a collective, we’re seeing that we can no longer go on living the way we used to because the old ways are not supportive of life. And what is life in its most basic form? It’s Creativity.

The only way the world’s going to truly change is by you adding your voice,
and from a place where you own your creative power fully, without apology.
It is your power, thus, your right, and responsibility (especially in this time!)  to reclaim your thoughts, words, actions, and expression, and you don't have to do it alone. You get to do it with the support of your sistas!

This means shifting from believing that your voice doesn’t matter to knowing and experiencing in your whole being that you are immensely valuable, and needed. You are a unique, exquisite, divine, and creative human being and there’s no one else like you.

You are meant to be here, sis.
We’ve been waiting for you...

The world NEEDS MORE

“Your word is your wand. The words you speak create your own destiny."
-Florence Scovel-Shinn

The Lyrisistahood Community (T.L.C.) is a private membership community, and space for intentional women on the divine feminine path who are ready to rise, reclaim their creative power, and be reborn through the transformative alchemy of creative expression channeled through Hip-Hop, spoken word, intentional rap, poetic flow, and the power of songwriting as a spiritual tool.

We bring together conscious female lyricists; rappers, poets, and songstresses of all levels, and intentional women who are on a creative journey seeking sisterhood, and accountability for your craft, and your spiritual growth.  We are about creating a high-frequency, supportive space for self-expression, self-love, and sisterhood so that we can cultivate our unique voices, grow our confidence, and transform our lives and the world through telling our real-life stories through our art.

Creatrixes who feel the call to show up, shine, and share in this time, and are ready to heal, and rebirth their authentic voice, and be a light for others in this world. At our core, we believe in the power of self-expression, self-love, and sisterhood. By bringing together growth-minded individuals, we create a high-frequency, supportive space where members can freely share their art and stories. 

 The Lyrisistahood is part lyrical/Hip-Hop sisterhood, part divine feminine arts mystery school, and part support group and serves as a platform for cultivating unique voices, building confidence, and growing our sisterhood connections.  Glean knowledge & experience from Gina's 30+ years as a songwriter who knows the transformative potential of storytelling through art. Inside of T.L.C. we encourage our sister members to use their talents to create positive change both in their own lives and in the world. We are also about honoring the shadow, and all aspects of each of our journeys as creative fuel for our personal and collective growth. Through collaboration and connection, we believe that we can make a difference together, as this is the power of gathering in a community.

Whether you are a longtime creatrix, or a newly blooming artist just starting on your creative path, T.L.C. welcomes women from all backgrounds and levels of experience. Together, we celebrate our divine feminine energy and the strength she brings to our art. Join us and find inspiration, support, and encouragement as we lift each other up and make our voices heard!


the deets



OUR COMMUNITY IS a haven for:



New moon- (Inner focus)  Receive teachings on the healing power of self-expression, reflect, lyrical-journaling prompts, sharing., intention setting, 

Full moon- (Outer Focus)  Show up adorned like the Queen you are, express your new moon lyrics & creations out loud/in chat, be witnessed & celebrated, pass the sacred mic shares/optional Freestyle flow/play/Improv sesh. 

THE SCHEDULE: The Lyrisista Circle live creative calls are between 90-120 minutes and will be held on or near each new & full moon.


Open zoom sessions where we share creative space, put pen to paper and hold one another accountable for devotion to our craft. Intentions are shared in the first 5 minutes, and celebrations, or progress shared the last 5 minutes.

Wednesdays 12pm-1pm PST  
3 x per month- with the last week off each month for integration




A  private community space to share your creative inspirations, raw & truthful self-expression, lyrics, raps, poems, song ideas,voice memos, videos, photos and journey of womanhood.. 

You will have access to special playlists
to support your creative journey consisiting of, but not limited to: instrumentals, Lyrical Ladies of hip-Hop, and more.

The membeship space is also where you can ask Gina Q&A's, make new sister connections and interact between live events 24/7. 




Members of The Lyrisistahood get first access to Gina's past, and new workshops, teachings, PDF's and more. Topics touch on artistry, self expression,  spirituality healing, and women's empowerment.





Quarterly Performance Showcase (4x per year) Think: The Lyricist Lounge. Divine Feminine Stylee....

The Experience:
One part Goddess ceremony, one part Hip-Hop Temple, one part dope, feminine sisterhood performance celebration in a high-frequency space..

We Feature 2 Lyrical High Priestess Artists aach session, then we open the mic up for Lyrisistahood members to share a rap, song. poem, or words of wisdom.

Members receive the Opportunity to be a featured Lyrisista at a future Lyrisista Lounge.

What you will experience


Learn directly from my experience as a longtime singer-songwriter/ rapper, and discover how to cultivate the power of words as a transformational tool in your life and your art, whether you're new to self- expression, or a longtime creatress.


Especially in light of world events since 2020, community is vital. In both our online space, and Live call experiences you will have an opportunity to grow your creative expression, and your sister connections, and find deep nourishment  and support, unlike anything else out there. Prepare to be received, heard, seen, embraced and loved up by your "Lyrisistas".


Learn about the Her-story & History of H.i,p,-H,o,p, aka ( Her Infinite Power, healing Our people ) along with the collective Divine Feminine awakening and why now is the time for the rap priestesses to rise! Plus, Gina's insights & tools for alchemizing your emotions, and experiences into lyrics, and songs the inspire.


Cultivate your voice, heart, and womb connection through self-love rituals, self-love ceremonies, and spontaneous Live transmissions inside the TLC portal.


I will be sharing the wisdom I've acquired from both my  27+ year music career, and all of my life experiences as a woman, and mother with you in this space. I will also be sharing my unique perspectives and insights on being a spiritual woman amidst the patriarchy and current music industry.


Experience a unique space to be witnessed, heard and held in all your cycles and emotions within a courageous and nourishing container. I am a stand for all women having access to wombman-only spaces where we are loved, and inspired into owning our natural right to express, and create freely from the brilliance, and wisdom of our human female bodies and experiences so that we can BLOOM!

The "Lyristahood is my vitamins!" -KA , lyricist

I'm ready TO LEVEL UP!






 20% OFF HOOK UP : )




You're an intentional, heart-centered woman seeking a high-frequency, ongoing creative ritual container to express your authentic voice without judgment.

You're a woman seeking an uplifting, dope, and conscious, creative community of sisters to be seen, heard, and celebrated in.

You're a woman who is devoted to owning her power and brilliance through an inspiring, and consistent, creative practice that builds self-trust, and confidence

You're a woman who recognizes, cherishes and is open to the Life-giving power of sisterhood as a healing force for her own well-being, and the collective.

You're a female artist, and/or lyricist who is ready to commit more deeply to, or return to your craft, own your wisdom, and receive accountability for your art in an ongoing, inspiring container.

You're a woman who has a deep longing for the kind of sisterhood where you will be held with fierce compassion, and sacred witnessing of all of your brilliance, while being supported in both your artistry, and your natural womanly cycles.

You're a soul sista who's ready to creatively express with intention, and manifest your dreams through your creativity and womb power.

You consider yourself to be a spiritually awake,  or awakening woman committed to the path of truth and are ready to weave your feminine lightwork and self-expression together to inspire, and transform the world!

This MEMBERSHIP IS FOR you if...


Those who don't relate to women as sisters, or allies and are resigned to a competition mentality, or drama in relation to other women.

Those who are not ready to do the inner and outer work it takes to embody your artistry, and grow spiritually.

Those who don't hold kindness, compassionate, and supportive reciprocal communication as top values.

Those who either are not ready, willing, or able to take 100% responsibility for your words, actions, well being and life.

Those who are not ready, or willing to give up blaming, shaming, or judging others, and/ or yourself. 

Those who do not have a womb.

FREE EVENT   -   FREE EVENT    -   FREE EVENT    -   FREE EVENT     -   FREE EVENT    -   FREE EVENT        

Let's Go Sis!


Curious to LEARN what the  lyrisiStahood membership is like?

Enter the realm of the Lyrisistahood and catch the vibe of what we're about. Get a taste of our unique, and intentional creative spaces at our free experience.


Do I have to be an experienced rapper, singer, poet, or other to join the LyrisistaHood?

No, all levels of self-expression are welcome and we encourage those who are both new, or returning to their craft to join, or any woman who's been playing with the idea of vocal self-expression, especially around rapping, writing poems, or little songs to join and give voice to the call.

Do you teach singing as part of this offering? I want to learn more about that and not so much rapping.

Singing is not taught in the Lyrisistahood space, however, we do sing together and play with melody as part of vocal exploration and expression in the monthly Lyrisista Circle Calls at times. Note that the primary focus creatively in this container is wordplay, poetry, rhyming, flowing, and rapping with intention. If you want to learn more about singing or desire more specific 1:1 coaching check out the 1:1 Queen Reborn offering page here: or email yo@ginarene.com for a referral to some wonderful singing coaches/programs I’m aligned with.

Is there a way to try out the EXPERIENCE somehow to see if I like it and if it's a fit for me?

Yes! I host a free immersion called The Lyrisista Experience online 1-2 times per month which is my Free offering that gives you a taste of what being a part of the Lyrisistahood community is like. Sign up for our the next Lyrisista. Experience through the link on this page.

What is the schedule (date & time) and details for all The Lyrisistahood events?

This is the schedule for all events within the Lyrisistahood membership experience.

1) LIVE CREATIVE CALLS ( aka The Lyrisista Circles ) When: 2x Monthly on Thursdays, 4:30pm PST. Near Each New & Full Moon. Calls are 90-120 minutes each max. 
All Call Dates: 3/7, 3/21, 4/4, 4/18, 5/2,5/16, 6/6 6/20, 7/11, 7/25, 8/1, 8/15,9/5, 9/19 10/3 10/19 11/7 11/21 12/5 12/19. Future dates may be subject to change. If so-you will be notified asap.

2) The Lyrisista Lounge Quarterly Showcase: (4x per year) When: Dates TBD. For now, we’re feeling into these times: mid spring (late April/May), summer (July/August), fall (Oct), and winter (Dec/Jan). 
3) 1 x Weekly Co-AccountabiliTea/Lyrical Journaling/Writing Session/Self-Care Session 
3 weeks on/ 1 week off each month for integration. When: Wednesdays, 11am-12pm PST & Saturdays, 11am-12pm PST 60minutes each (choose one of these time options to show up to & be supported each week) 

4) The Lyrisistahood Community (TLC) membership portal on the Telegram App- This private, ongoing online space to connect and interact opens on March 4th, 2024. you will be emailed the Link on that day.

Expect future emails from yo@ginarene.com to confirm any dates mentioned above, changes or other exciting and important info. Feel free to write me any questions as well.

Do you provide a safe and non-judgemental space?

My intention and commitment are to provide and hold a supportive space for the courage it takes to be real, open, and willing to be oneself fully, to express freely, and to honor one another's growth and wisdom. I do my best to hold a sacred and brave space and the agreements all my members agree to when they join hold them accountable for this. I stand by my word to do my best to uphold a healthy, communicative, respectful, and healing space for us all. I am willing to grow and learn as well and am open to kind, conscious, and respectful feedback and requests. 


Mighty Networks is the platform we will be using for our membership space. It is a private, non-facebook, non-algorithm membership community app where we as a group can make posts, chat, share messages, upload videos, voice memos, and photos.  The difference is that each member owns their own data and there is no surveillance : )


I believe Trans women, and all humans deserve sacred spaces, and The Lyrisistahood offerings, and spaces are specifically for biological women only. This is due to women’s bodies and brains being different than men's, or those born as biological males, This is about sacred space, not exclusion. It's about honoring the unique and specific needs of women from the lens of my lived experience as a woman. The ways & wisdom of womanhood, having a womb/reproductive organs, natural feminine cycles, rhythms and emotions that are sacred, real, and the foundation of all human life.  I am a stand for such spaces so we can do our own work and be beneficial to others. This feminine creativity business, and ministry allows for a sacred space for women to feel safe to express freely, to be seen, and heard in sisterhood in order to fully heal, grow, and bloom creatively. For more info on my All-Gender offerings follow me on IG.

Do you offer Private Sessions 1:1 Mentorship?

Yes. I offer 1:1 sessions to key clients and who desire a more personalized, deeper container of support support for their creative & spiritual growth. Check out  the. deets on the Queen Reborn page to learn about my 1:1 mentorship offering.

What is your refund policy?

We do not offer refunds, however, in certain cases, there may be the option to give the participant or pay forward a credit for future courses and offerings and this will be determined on a case-by-case basis. I am a one-woman business and I stand behind the value I offer for transformative experiences through creative expression. Email for further inquiries.

She will call you forth and lovingly guide you, through thoughtfully curated readings, prompts and exquisite reflection and embodiment practises, to step into and own your inner Queendom. Gina holds space that is juicy, real, human, divine, and reverent.” 

”One of Gina’s purposes on this planet is supporting other women to bloom into all of who they are."


client roses  client roses client roses client roses

“Gina is an incredible facilitator with soul much love, spunk,creativity, and care. I felt so held, and encouraged to bring my full, authentic, creative self to the table and dream my life into being.”

“I cannot share enough how deeply Gina’s offering has touched my life."

Alyra Rose - Artist & Musician 

client roses  client roses client roses client roses

"My whole life I feel like I’ve had my voice stolen from me and being here I’m tapping back into my power. This isn’t a space of competition, ego or comparison and that’s what makes it so healing.You’re reminding us that it’s ok to claim our power and our voice, our higher calling.”


"This space, Lyrisista circle I really love, I see Gina a voice doula."

client roses  client roses client roses client roses

 I’m so grateful. If it wasn’t for my sessions with you I don’t think I would have that skill of just freestyling. Previously I felt like I had to memorize things yet I was able to really speak my mind without reading something.
Just trust the flow” 

“ I had my first big public speaking event where there were a lot of industry giants and I just spoke my truth and it was well received." 


client roses  client roses client roses client roses

"She took me on a journey into myself that created a deeper connection in me, and I had so many moments of magick on our discovery that triggered so many deep realizations. I know that anyone who works with her in their commitment to birth Queenly traits, will find precious truths to take into life. I'm so grateful for this gift!”

Naomi Star - poet, mother

“Her effort in guiding me with a feminine playfulness was something to look forward to each session."

client roses  client roses client roses client roses

client roses